
Ушницкий В.В.  

Some notes to the present sacred landscape of the Republic of Gorny Altai

The article describes some elements of the sacred landscape of the Republic of Gorny Altai. The indigenous population of this region is the Altaians, are Burkhanists and Tengrians. They also have shamanistic beliefs. Shamans are mainly engaged in medical activities. At the present time Burkhanism is experiencing a new heyday, combined with animism and the cult of the surrounding Altai Mountains. The cult of the Altai Mountains was formed in them in the form of a new national religion, which can be attributed to the direction of the “new age”. Burkhanism is considered a branch of Buddhism, but in a new capacity it is presented as an animistic belief. Therefore, the modern sacred landscape of the Mountain Altai can be characterized as animistic beliefs, the practical side of which is unleashed by  neoshamanism.

Key words: sacred landscape, ethnology, shamanism, field ethnography, folk religion, Mountain Altai, Burkhanism, field studies, mountain cult, Tengrianism

Abstracts file: Сакральный ландшафт Горного Алтая в древнетюркское и новейшее время.docx
Full text file: Ушницкий_Заметки к Сакральному ландшафту Горного Алтая.docx

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