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Timeline of transportation technology



There are various Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that are promoting sustainable transport in order to meet the defined goals.
These include 

SDG 3 on health (increased road safety), 
 on energy, 
 on decent work and economic growth, 
SDG 9 on resilient infrastructure, 
SDG 11
 on sustainable cities (access to transport and expanded public transport), 
SDG 12 on sustainable consumption and production (ending fossil fuel subsidies) and
SDG 14 on oceans, seas and marine resources.



SCOPUS Journals Q1


  Название источника  CiteScore  Наивысший процентиль  Цитирования
% цитирования       
Transport Reviews 13.1 98%2/110
1 840 140 87      
Transportation Research, Series B: Methodological 9.7 97%7/310
Civil and Structural Engineering
7 373 757 86      
Transportation Research, Part D: Transport and Environment 7.7 95%15/310
Civil and Structural Engineering
7 672 1 001 83      
Journal of Transport Geography 6.6 96%26/679
Geography, Planning and Development
4 466 680 79      
Transport Policy 6.1 95%34/679
Geography, Planning and Development
3 834 630 81      
Journal of Air Transport Management 5.6 97%16/685
2 631 469 81      
Journal of Transport and Health 4.5 91%22/239
Health Policy
2 034 456 84      
Transport in Porous Media 4.2 75%69/281
General Chemical Engineering
3 027 722 76      
Transportmetrica A: Transport Science 3.9 84%48/299
General Engineering
799 207 77      
IET Intelligent Transport Systems 3.8 94%39/685
2 015 533 66      
European Transport Research ReviewОткрытый доступ 3.6 78%20/91
Automotive Engineering
660 182 72      
Journal of Transport and Land UseОткрытый доступ 3.5 86%27/200
Urban Studies
632 181 72      
European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure ResearchОткрытый доступ 3.4 85%30/200
Urban Studies
368 108 65      
Journal of Rail Transport Planning and Management 3.2 64%98/274
Modeling and Simulation
259 82 77      
Journal of Transport Economics and Policy 2.8 74%165/637
Economics and Econometrics
169 60 67      
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Transport 2.7 61%120/310
Civil and Structural Engineering
364 133 95      
Case Studies on Transport Policy 2.6 78%44/200
Urban Studies
712 277 67      
Public Transport 2.6 60%229/585
Mechanical Engineering
261 99 68      
TransportОткрытый доступ 2.6 65%32/91
Automotive Engineering
683 265 59      
Transport and TelecommunicationОткрытый доступ 2.3 70%90/299
General Engineering
280 122 62      
International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics 2.2 63%144/394
Business and International Management
262 120 63      
Transportation Planning and Technology 2.0 63%246/679
Geography, Planning and Development
395 201 61      
Archives of TransportОткрытый доступ 1.8 58%38/91
Automotive Engineering
207 116 56      
Zhongguo Gonglu Xuebao/China Journal of Highway and Transport 1.5 42%64/110
1 562 1 032 52      
International Journal of Transport Economics 1.4 51%329/679
Geography, Planning and Development
110 81 53      
Journal of Computational and Theoretical Transport 1.3 37%69/110
136 105 44      
Transport ProblemsОткрытый доступ 1.2 45%50/91
Automotive Engineering
279 240 46      
International Journal of Transport Development and IntegrationОткрытый доступ 0.9 39%56/91
Automotive Engineering
107 116 38      
Transport and Sustainability 0.9 28%79/110
59 67 49      
European Transport - Trasporti EuropeiОткрытый доступ 0.5 19%74/91
Automotive Engineering
49 107 27      
Advances in Transport Policy and Planning 0.3 11%98/110
8 30 17      
Journal of Transport History 0.3 57%532/1259
24 72 24      
Theory and Applications of Transport in Porous Media 0.1 8%200/217
Water Science and Technology
11 105 10      
Transactions on Transport SciencesОткрытый доступ 0.1 6%103/110
3 30 10      
Advances in Transport N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A      
Cahiers Scientifiques du Transport N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A      
Current Topics in Membranes and Transport N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A      
International Journal of Transport Management N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A      
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk. Energetika N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A      
Journal of Air Medical Transport N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A      
Journal of Transport and Supply Chain ManagementОткрытый доступ 0.0 3%320/340
Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
0 13 0      
Membrane Protein Transport N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A      
Open Transport Phenomena Journal N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A      
Packaging, Transport, Storage and Security of Radioactive Material N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A      
Proceedings of the Chartered Institute of Transport N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A      
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Transport Engineering N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A      
Public Transport International 0.0 4%185/200
Urban Studies
0 11 0      
Road and Transport Research N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A      
Transport Engineer N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A      
Transport Theory and Statistical Physics N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A      
Transportation engineering journal of ASCE N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A      
Transportation Quarterly N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A      
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Membrane Transport and Signaling N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A      
ZEV-Zeitschrift fuer Eisenbahnwesen und Verkehrstechnik - Journal for Railway and Transport N/A N/A N/A