Abstract submission

The working languages ​​of the school-seminar: Russian, English.

Deadline for accepting reports:  July 20, 2023.

Reports are accepted through the school seminar website http://conf.nsc.ru/opcs2023/en (an article file or archive is downloaded through the member’s personal account). When submitting a report on the site, you need to select a section that corresponds to the subject of the report.


Submission of materials can be of two types:

  • extended thesis: 2 pages (It will be print in the working materials of the schoo-seminarl)
  • full texts of reports: 4-8 pages (It will be print in the the Proceedings of  school-seminar and will be posted on the website e-library.ru and indexed in RISC.)


Registration rules in Russian:

The report should be issued in MS Word for this sample.

The volume of the full text of the report is 4-8 pages.

Formulas must be executed in the Microsoft Equation formula editor. Page parameters: top margin - 2 cm, bottom - 2 cm, right - 2.5 cm, left - 2.5 cm. Font: Times New Roman, (size - 12), spacing: single.

The title of the report is printed in capital bold letters in the center (size 14), below the lowercase bold names, initials of the authors (size 12), on the next line italics (size 12) place of work (without abbreviations); then skip one line and provide a brief summary of the article, keywords.

Figures and tables should be located in the center, their sizes should not exceed the specified parameters of the printing field; numbering of tables and the title - in the center; drawings (charts, graphs) - as a single picture (to group all the elements of a picture, charts, graphics), the title and figure captions - after the picture (charts, graphs) in the center.

References to literary sources are given in the text by numbers in square brackets as they are mentioned. References should be given according to GOST. Self-citations are no more than 20% of the entire list of references (and no more than 3 references).

Abstract should contain 150-250 words.

The critical plagiarism level (including self-plagiarism) is 25%, and it cannot be higher.

The text should be carefully verified and edited.

After the list of references you need to specify information about the authors:

  • author's name (first name, middle name and surname in the nominative case);
  • academic title, academic degree;
  • position;
  • place of work (name of the institution or organization, locality, name of the country (for foreign authors)).

Must be specified UDC code.

The file must be named according to the name of the first author (for example, IvanovGB.doc).

Reports in Russian that have been reviewed will be published in the Proceedings of the XIX International Asian School-Seminar “Problems of Optimizing Complex Systems”, the collection will be posted on the website e-library.ru and indexed in RISC.

Note! Materials that are not designed for the specified requirements and submitted after the deadline are not accepted and are not reviewed.


Registration rules in English:

The report must be issued

Requirements for the quality of reports at IEEE conferences can be downloaded here; they must be strictly followed.

The volume of the text of the report is not more than 6 pages.

Abstract should contain 150-250 words.

Self-citations are no more than 20% of the entire list of references (and no more than 3 references).

Submitted papers must be new and original. The critical plagiarism level (including self-plagiarism) for automatic verification by CrossCheck Portal is 20%, and it cannot be higher.

The file or archive with files (for LaTeX) must be named according to the name of the first author (for example, IvanovGB.docx).

Articles prepared by authors in MS Word and accepted by the Program Committee should be translated into PDF by the authors using IEEEPdf-eXpress tools. Discrepancy of the format of registration will be revealed by this system and will lead to impossibility of placement in IEEExplorer.

Reports in English that meet the IEEE requirement and have passed review will be accepted and can be posted on IEEEXplore.

According to the results of the school-seminar at IEEE Xplore, only the reports presented in the sections will be posted.