
• ​Information Security

• Artificial intelligence and machine learning

• Mathematical models and optimization problems in big data analysis and pattern recognition:

o CAD systems;
o  Mathematical models and optimization tasks in the analysis of big data and pattern recognition;
o  Optimization tasks in 
high performance computing.

Optimization tasks in socio-economic processes:

o  Optimal management in the economy;
o  Optimal placement of production;
o  Logistics.

Mathematical methods for solving optimization problems:

o  Nonlinear optimization;
o  Discrete optimization;
o  Models and methods of evolutionary synthesis.

Optimization problems in modeling real systems:

o  Structural optimization of networks of different kinds (telecommunications, transport, information, etc.);
o  Optimization of parameters of dynamic processes;
Optimization in control and automation.

• Optimization problems of systems for collection, processing, analysis and storage of spatial data:

o  Optimization tasks in data assimilation;
o  Optimization of data collection in solving inverse problems.


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