
Afonnikov, Dmitri Arkadievich

Institute of Cytology and Genetics of SB RAS
Russia, 630090, Novosibirsk, Acad. Lavrentjev Ave., 10
Phone: +7 (383) 333-34-68, Fax: +7 (383) 333-12-78

Reports list

  1. Pronozin A.Y.*, Afonnikov D.A.*
    Identification and classification of long noncoding RNAs
    *Institute of Cytology and Genetics of SB RAS (Novosibirsk), Russia
  2. Bocharnikova M.E.*, Afonnikov D.A.*
    Molecular evolution of proteins, containing phospholipase A2 domain in flatworms
    *Institute of Cytology and Genetics of SB RAS (Novosibirsk), Russia

To participants list