
Starkov O.  

On the issue of assessing the reliability of a written source on the example of the Brief Siberian Chronicle (Kungurskaya)

The work is devoted to the assessment of the reliability of the Brief Siberian Chronicle by legal methods. Many historians consider this document, the authorship of Remezov, unreliable.
For the study, an episode of blocking the Tobol River with iron chains was taken. Thus, the Tatars wanted to block Ermak's way to the capital of the Siberian Khanate.
The author of the article conducted several expeditions to historical sites. It was possible to find evidence of local residents and the location of the chains. The reasons and the period of their manufacture are established.
Assumptions are made about the presence of similar guard posts on other Siberian rivers.
On the Vagai River, associated with the last days of Ermak, two iron chains, several centuries old, were discovered. Future studies will determine their exact age.
The author believes that the chronicle of Remezov can be considered a source of reliable historical information.

Keywords: Remezov, Brief Siberian Chronicle, Ermak, iron chains, Siberian Khanate, Tobol, Vagai

Abstracts file: Старков ОГ - тезисы доклада.docx
Full text file: Старков ОГ - К вопросу оценки достоверности письменных источников КСЛ.docx

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