Россия, г. Тюмень
XXIII международный научный симпозиум "Интеграция археологических и этнографических исследований"/ The XXIII th international scientific symposium «The Integration of Archaeological and Ethnographic Researches»

Abstract submission

General Guidelines

1. Publications are accepted in Russian and English. Recommended length of the manuscript should be up to 10 thousand characters, including the main text.  Authors' names and affiliation, title, abstracts and keywords (in Russian and English), list of references and sources, illustration or table are not included into the recommended length of the manuscript. 1 illustration or table size 1 A4 sheet can be attached to the manuscript.
The article (main text, list of references, list of abbreviations) must be submitted in MS Word (rtf, docx).  Margins: left - 3 cm, right - 1 cm, top and bottom - 1.5 cm. Fourteen-point font size; Times New Roman typeface, single spacing. Full justification; first line intend of one centimeter for each paragraph.

2. The UDC index is placed in the upper left corner and is separated by a blank line. The UDC index can be found on the electronic resource "UDC Classifier - TeaCode.com": http://teacode.com/online/udc/ or similar online resources.

3. The author's surname is indicated in the center in bold type. Here, in superscript numbers, the author's affiliation number is indicated, Times New Roman typeface, font 12. Then, on the next line, there is the information about the author/authors’s city and place of work (affiliation in the form of a superscript figure before the place of work), italicized. On the next line, the title of the work is typed:  center alignment, in bold, capitalized.

4. References to grants are placed at the end of the title of the article marked with asteriks * It is acceptable to place a reference to a grant, program, scientific topic after the notes.

5. Abstracts in Russian and English. Machine translation is not accepted. The abstract to the article should be: original, reflect the main content of the article and the results of research. The recommended length is from 100 to 250 words, according to GOST - 850 characters. The information contained in the title of the article should not be repeated in the text of the abstract.

6. Keywords in Russian and English (up to 10 words).
Attention! The title of the article in Russian includes what is given in п. 3 description,empty line - abstract, empty line - keywords.
The English version is placed after an empty lne under the Russian version of the title in the same logic.
The structure of page titles is shown in the design example.

7. The following should be avoided:
-  tabulation;
- highlight words with interspace (between words, signs there should be a single space);
- separate paragraphs with an empty line;
- use commands that run in automatic mode (inserting footnotes to references and sources, marking and numbering paragraphs, etc.);
- use macros, save text as a template and with the setting "read-only";
- format the text and make forced hyphenation.

Typing requirements:

• Initials are typed with spaces. For instance: S. W. Remezov (highlighting in bold type in examples where it contradicts the formatting rules is used to draw attention to the requirements for formatting the text, see here and below). Single space is made between the words of the text (two or more are not allowed).
• The title of the report should not contain abbreviations. For instance: The history of new settlements of the Tatars at the end of the 19th century.
• A hyphen must be different from a dash. For instance: The conspiracy-spell tradition of the late 1950-s — early 1970s.
• The dash must be the same style throughout the text, with spaces on the left and right, except for the design of numbers and dates. For example: s. 58–61, 1941–1945, vols. 1–3.
• Quotation marks must be the same style throughout the text. Outer quotes are usually angular («…»), inner quotes are curved ("..."). For instance: K.V. Chistov wrote: «Between “one-time” and “traditional” texts there is not a distinct border, but a vast transitional strip. »
• When using fonts (except Cyrillic or Latin) for quoting in the language of the studied tradition, folder with the font along with the article must be attached.
• Geographical names are written in full, only common abbreviations like s.  (selo), d. (village), r. (river) are allowed. For example: s. Taichi, Tevrizsky district, Omsk region.
8. Bibliographic references in the text are given in square brackets indicating the author (authors of the publication, if there are three authors, then all are mentioned, if four or more, then one with the addition "etc.") - italics, Times New Roman font, year of publication and page.

Samples of bibliographic references design: A hoard of silver coins was found near the Ulema River [Ivanov, 1987, p. 36].
They were divided into groups of 5 serfs; one person kept away from them for a week [Materials for study ..., 1890, p. 105].

9. The list of sources and literature, which are referenced in the text, is given at the end of the article in alphabetical order.The bibliographic sources of the publication include: surnames and initials of the authors (all, regardless of their number) - italics, Times New Roman font, full title of the work and edition in which the article is published, city,  publisher or publishing organization, year of publication, volume (for multi-volume editions), number, issue (for periodicals), general amount of pages.
Institute publishing houses should be indicated in the form of abbreviations (for example: Publishing House of the IA RAS), universities - in abbreviated form (for example: Publishing house Novosib. state university).
If it is impossible to determine the city / publisher / year of publication, indicate  [s.n.] (“without a place”) / [s.n..] (“without a publisher”) / [1955?] (indicate the proposed year).

Design samples:

Zakharova I. V., Tomilov N. A. Ethnographic scientific centers of Western Siberia in the middle of the 19th - early 21st centuries. Omsk ethnographic center. – Omsk: Publishing house "Nauka", 2007. - 400 p.;
Materials for studying the economic life of state peasants and foreigners in Western Siberia. - St. Petersburg: type. Ya. I. Lieberman, 1890. - Issue. 7. - 139 p.
Tomilov N. A., Alisov D. A., Zhigunova M. A. Some problems and prospects of studying Russian culture in Siberia // Traditional culture of Russians in Western Siberia in the 19th–20th centuries. Essays on history and life. – Omsk: Publishing house "Nauka", 2003. - P. 7-19.
Skripka A.S. To the dating of some types of Sarmatian weapons // Uchen.zap. Leningrad. ped. in-t. - 1977. - Issue. 2. - P. 28-45.
Vyborsky P.I. Psychology of memorization // Vopr. psychology. - 1966. - No. 1. - P. 12-34.
Article in press:
Dmitriev M.M. Mounds of Khakassia // Vestn. archeology (in press).
Thesis abstract:
Bobrov V.V. Deer in the Scythian-Siberian art (Tagar culture): Author. dis. ... cand. ist. sciencesciences. - Novosibirsk, 1973. - 35 p.
Articles in oriental languages:
Yang Qingping, Wei Shanshan, Huang Xin. Zuojian yujiang luyu kaogu itsun yujian ghuashan yanhua guanlianxing chubu yanjiu (Preliminary study of the relevance of archaeological sites of the Zuojiang and Yujiang river basin with rock paintings in Huashan on the Zuojiang river) // Zhongguo wenhua ichan (Cultural Heritage of China). - 2016. - No. 4. - P. 41–47 (in Chinese).
Monographs in oriental languages:
Wang Bo, Qixiaoshan. Sichouchzhi lu caoyuan shizhen yanjiu (Study of steppe stone statues on the Silk Road). – Urumqi: Xinjiangzhenminchubanshe, 1996. - 512 p. (in Chinese).
Articles in an English-language magazine:
Jacobs Z. et al. Timing of archaic hominin occupation of Denisova Cave in southern Siberia // Nature. – 2019. – Vol. 565, N 7741. – P. 594–599.
Electronic sources:
Astafiev V. Recordings of different years [Electronic resource] // Memorial: [website]. URL: http://memorial.krsk.ru//Astafiev.htm (accessed 23.08.2007)
Archival documents:
RGADA. F. 214. Op. 1. D. 1182. L. 153.

10. If there are notes - brief explanations of the main text and additions to it, in the text at the place to which the note refers, it is necessary to give its numbering (1, 2, 3, etc.), and the note itself should be typed after the list of references and sources.

11. Initial references to figures and tables in the text of the article should be indicated in order (Fig. 1, Fig. 2, Fig. 3, etc.). Formatting references to figures: (Fig. 1) – for reference to one figure; (Fig. 4-6) - on several drawings; (Fig. 1/ 2, 3), – on the object in the arranged drawing.

Illustrations, photographs and drawings (resolution not less than 300 dpi) can be placed after the list of references, list of abbreviations, notes and links to ORCID, as well as sent as separate files. File format - .tif, .jpg (no compression). Placement of drawings in 2 columns is allowed if the width of each of them does not exceed 9 cm.
The name of the figure is given in bold type for Times New Roman, font 12; the internal numbering of the figure or table on the next\t line, the internal numbers themselves in italics, and the decoding in normal facetype. Internal numbering is separated by a semicolon ( ; ). Do not put a full stop after the title of the figure. Center alignment.

Caption example:
Fig. one. Pottery of the Kulay culture
1 - a fragment with a "duck"; 2-5 - fragments with "pearl"
12. References to figures are given according to the following pattern: (Fig. 1/ 2, 3), i.e. number of the figure, followed by a slash, then in italics the number(s) of internal numbering in the figure or table.

The width of the table is not more than 200 mm (for portrait page orientation) and 270 mm (for landscape orientation), without breaks when moving from one page to another, the font size in the inscriptions is 9, the style Times New Roman. Above each table, its serial number is placed in the center (italic) and title (bold).
(For instance: Table 1. Composition of the stone industry of the Ushbulak site).
It is forbidden to place captions in the figure file.

13. Captions to illustrations and tables are given after the list of references and sources, references to ORCID, list of abbreviations or text of notes (if figures are sent in a separate file or behind a block of figures, if they (figures) are placed after the official information of the article (references list, references to ORCID, list of abbreviations, notes.

14. Abbreviations in the text must be deciphered, i.e. A LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS must be attached to the articles
15. After the list of references and sources, a link to the ORCID of the author/authors is placed (see https://orcid.org ).

UDC 902+39

M.A. Korusenko 1,2, S.S. Tikhonov2
Russia, Omsk, 1 Omsk Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
Russia, Novosibirsk, 2 Institute of Archeology and Ethnography SB RAS



        A team of Omsk ethnoarchaeologists has been performing exploratory research for a quarter of a century in order to develop a theory and methods for integrating archaeological and ethnographic research. The idea of the project is to develop new, complementary methods for collecting data and analyzing information in these sciences. The creation of new scientific tools is complemented by theoretical developments of the concept of ethnographic and archaeological complexes. We believe that such fundamental research will provide new knowledge in the study of ancient and traditional societies and achieve high accuracy and reliability of historical reconstructions.
       In this article, we demonstrate some results and trends in the process of integrating archeology and ethnography on the example of the activities of a group of Omsk ethnoarchaeologists led by Doctor of Historical Sciences. N.A. Tomilov at the end of the 20th - the first decades of the 21st century.

    Keywords: archeology, ethnography, integration, theory, methods, development, Omsk group of ethnoarchaeologists, areas of work, trends

Article text: Text, text, text
List of sources and literature (in alphabetical order);
List of abbreviations;
Link to ORCID (example: Korusenko M.A. https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7004-1287);
Link to the grant, program, scientific topic.
* The work was supported by the Grant/Program/Government Assignment…;
Block of illustrations (if they are placed in the same file with the article);
Captions for illustrations.