
Adaev V.N.  

Ethnoarchaeology: the problem of constructive interdisciplinary dialogue

Currently, it can be stated that expectations of a large-scale development of ethnoarchaeology have not been fulfilled and the proper degree of integration of the two constituent disciplines, archaeology and ethnography, has not been achieved. Both Russian and foreign experts note the insufficient theoretical and methodological development of ethnoarchaeology, the marked decline in the scientific quality of related studies. It has become a common practice to conduct such studies without the participation of ethnographers. The objective difficulties of interdisciplinary communication and the lack of personal interest in most ethnographers in ethnoarchaeological projects: are among the reasons for the current situation. The integration of the two disciplines cannot remain a spontaneous process. Purposeful amelioration of mutual understanding between an archaeologist and ethnographer is of paramount importance in order for the interdisciplinary dialogue to be as productive and mutually interested as possible. In recent years, developments in this direction have been carried out in the Tyumen Scientific Center SB RAS.

Full text file: Адаев_2022_Этноархеология Проблемы конструктивности_Тезисы.docx

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