
Sopova K.O.   Tataurov F.S.  

Pottery tableware of the Russian population of the Omsk Irtysh region of the late XIX - early XX centuries: archaeology and ethnography

Reporter: Sopova K.O.

Pottery production of the Russian population of Western Siberia of the 19th century is a poorly studied some despite separate studies by archaeologists and ethnographers.
A comparative analysis of pottery tableware from the burial ground of the Yevgashino-IV (1870s-1920s) of the Bolsherechensky district of the Omsk region with the ethnographic collections of the Museum–Reserve "Antiquity Siberian" is carried out. This study made it possible to trace the typological composition of the pottery complex in the second half of the 19th - early 20th.The technological features of the manufacture of different types of dishes, the morphology of the corollas, the features of additional processing are analyzed. The technological features of the manufacture of different types of dishes, the morphology of the corollas, the features of additional processing are analyzed. As the result this study replenishes the database on Russian ceramics of the Omsk Irtysh region. And it leads us to the conclusion that it is necessary to attract different types of sources for a full and comprehensive study of such a part of material culture as pottery.

Full text file: Сопова, Татауров (1).docx

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