


V.M. Fomin, Russia, Chairman
A.A. Maslov, Russia, Vice-Chairman
V.A. Lebiga, Russia, Vice-Chairman
A.D. Kosinov, Russia,  Secretary

S.V. Alekseenko Russia             V.I. Lapygin Russia
B.S. Alyoshin Russia   J.-C. Lengrand France
V.E. Barsuk Russia   V.A. Levin Russia
D.A. Gubaidullin Russia   A.M. Lipanov Russia
S.L. Chernyshev Russia   I.I. Lipatov Russia
K.N. Chiang Taiwan   J. Le China
J. Crouch USA   J.J. Miau Taiwan
I.V. Egorov Russia   J. Muylaert Netherlands
A.V. Fedorov Russia   A.M. Orishich Russia
H. Hornung USA   O.G. Penyaz’kov Belorussia
V.K. Kedrinskii Russia   S.D. Salenko Russia
A.M. Kharitonov Russia   A.N. Seryeznov Russia
D. Knight USA   C.T. Surzhikov Russia
V.V. Kozlov Russia   V.N. Uskov Russia
E. Kraemer Germany   K. Takayama Japan
A.N. Kraiko Russia   J.-P. Taran France
E. Krause Germany   N.A.Testoyedov Russia
V.F.Kuropatenko Russia   A.N. Shiplyuk Russia
      W. Sсhroeder Germany



A.A.Maslov– Chairman
A.D. Kosinov – Vice-Chairman
G.V.Klimchik – Secretary

A.A. Baturin    T.V. Poplavskaya
A.V. Borodin   V.A. Proskuryakov
O.G. Dementieva   N.V. Semionov
E.K. Derunov   A.S. Shmakov
Yu.V. Kratova   A.M. Sorokin
A.Yu. Pak   P.V. Vaschenkov
A.V. Panina   T.V. Vetrovskaya
A.A. Pivovarov   V.N. Zinoviev

The conference location is in ten minutes by walk from the hotel Zolotaya Dolina (Golden Valley) at the House of Scientists. Hotel reservation is made by the Organizing committee. Accommodation price in a single room/suite of “Golden Valley” is about 70/100 EUR per night respectively.

Novosibirsk is situated 3000 km to the East from Moscow on banks of the Ob' river. The time difference is +3 hours from Moscow time and +6 GMT. The climate in Western Siberia is continental, i.e. quite cold in winter and hot in summer. July is the warmest season in Siberia. The day temperature is 25-30°C usually, but an umbrella may be useful in a case of bad weather.
The participants arriving at Novosibirsk airport will be provided with transportation to the hotel “Golden Valley”. Please inform us of your flight schedule in advance to meet you at the airport.

The full conference registration fee for ICMAR 2014 is 400 EUR (450 EUR / 610 USD after 1 of June) for participants and 300 EUR (340 EUR / 460 USD after 1 of June) for postgraduate students. Registration fee includes one set of participant, lunches, coffee breaks, welcome reception, tours, transportation, welcome dinner etc. Payment is required to be made in EURO by bank transfer.

Please find below the information necessary for payment transfer:
Intermediary Bank:  

Deutsche Bank Ag.
12, Taunusanlage
60262 Frankfurt/ Main
Account No 100 9474149 00

Beneficiary Bank:

Moscow, Russia


Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics

Account №:


Please indicate your name in wire transfer receipt: "Registration fee for ICMAR 2014 for <Name>"

Please, mention clearly your name on the payment order. The early registration fee payment should be made before May 20, 2014. Please inform the Organizing Committee for the transfer of the registration fee. It will be possible to pay registration fee at registration during conference.


Participants of ICMAR 2014 should submit full paper before June 5, 2014 on the conference website Please use your individual password that you have after registration.

Please upload the full version of the paper in DOC or PDF formats according to the instructions for papers. You can re-upload the paper after June 5, 2014 up to July 4, 2014.


The full paper should be prepared in English using WORD editor and upload to the conference website in PDF format (that is preferable or in DOC, DOCX formats).
The submitted paper should not exceed 10 pages and 6 Megabytes. The papers will be typeset on A4 paper at margins of 30, 20 and 20 millimetres for top, lateral and bottom respectively. A single column format is to be used. The paper should be typeset in Times New Roman font, 12 point size.
Title page with the paper title printed bold and all caps, initials and the author's names and the title and address of the organization printed lower-case (all data centered); the names are separated by an empty line from the title and address.

Color diagrams and figures can be used. Figures must be centered. Captions must be type in 10 point size.
Equations must be centred and right numbered with an empty line inserted before and after the equation.
Tables must be numbered, table captions must be compact and positioned above the table.

References must be numbered in the text consecutively and listed at the end of the paper in the order they appear in the text. Please use Times New Roman font, 10 point size.


May 20, 2014  - early  registration fee payment
June 5, 2014 - upload of full paper
June 15, 2014  - information on travel schedule