Shugurov, Vladimir Victorovich

Junior Research Scientist

High Current Electronics Institute of SB RAS
Russia, 634055, Tomsk, pr. Academicheskii, 4
Phone: +7(382-2) 49-15-44, Fax: +7(382-2) 49-24-10

Reports list

  1. Shugurov V.V.*, Prokopenko N.A.**
    Generation argon-oxygen plasma in an extended source with the heated and hollow cathode
    *High Current Electronics Institute of SB RAS (Tomsk), Russia
    **Национальный исследовательский Томский политехнический университет (Tomsk), Russia
  2. Krysina O.V.*, Shugurov V.V.*, Prokopenko N.A.**
    Synthesis of gradient and multilayer coatings by vacuum arc deposition with use of gas-discharge plasma source with filament cathode
    *High Current Electronics Institute of SB RAS (Tomsk), Russia
    **Национальный исследовательский Томский политехнический университет (Tomsk), Russia

To participants list