
Aksyanova G.  

Some observations about the state of the dental system among the inhabitants of the Izyuk village on the Irtysh River, Omsk region (17–19 centuries)

This article describes the permanent dentition in a cranial sample from the village of Izyuk (N=91). The sample was collected in 1998-2004 during an excavation led by L.V. Tataurova, and is dated to the XVII–XIX centuries AD. It represents the rural Orthodox population of the early phase of Russian colonization of Tarskiy uezd. Frequencies of dental non-metric markers clearly suggest a Caucasoid and a gracile status morphology of this population. In the pooled sexes sample, low frequencies of the shovel-shaped I1 (6.5%), distal trigonid crest (3.7%) and deflecting wrinkle (8.8%) were observed while the four-cusped lower molars (М1 16.0%; М2 96.8%) displayed a high frequency. Among the Orthodox groups on the Irtysh and Tara Rivers (Omsk region), that in general exhibit a high level of local variation, the sample from Ananiyno is the closest to Izyuk. According to the same set of basic dental features, the sample from Izyuk is even more similar to Russian populations from the Tomsk-Narym Ob region and Krasnoyarsk. When compared with Tatar groups of the same region, Izyuk is more similar to the Kourdak rather than Tar Tatars. This particularly holds true for the males of the sample.
Besides presenting the results of the dental morphological analysis, the author will describe interesting cases of dental pathologies and anomalies of the dentition. As it could be expected in a several century old sample, the main dental pathological manifestation is dental wear. Two cases of unusual unintentional teeth modification were detected as well. Such a modification can be reasonably interpreted to the result of frequent use of the smoking pipe, e.g. (pipe faceting).        
This study was supported by the Russian Science Foundation, grant number 18-18-00487 (Russian Population of Siberia XVII-XIX centuries: Ethnic and Cultural Adaptation in the Archaeological and Anthropological Dimension).

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