
Матвеева Н.П.  

The burials with horses as marker of nomad's migration to the forest-steppe of Trans-Urals

Cultural innovations were  recorded for the period of Early Iron Age  on the excavation cemetery Ustyug-1. It’s localized on the left bank of Middle Tobol.   Kurgans had one grave (numbers 51  and  52)  were  dated by  V  centuries BC. Its gave the burials with animals on the southern   edge of the log rolling of the pits.  We suppouse basing on  the dating of burials on the arrow heads, which allow to relate the burials to interval of V  century BC that excavated graves reflected  the process of mutual influences  local of Culture of Baitovo population and  alien population.
Custom of placing under kurgan the horse with  horseman as well-known practice in Scythians world didn't be noticed for sites of Culture of Sargatka  on this territories in  the previous period of studying  this epoch.  Appearance of it  we connect  with Sakien’s migrants influence  from Central  Kazakhstan or foothills of Altay. They invaded to Baitovo culture's territory and  contributed to transformation it to Culture of Sargatka. Very far migrations as penetrations per thousands kilometers apparently were consistent to conquering spirit of nomad’s culture and were real expression it military superiority.

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