
Свиркина Н.Г.  

Dental pathology and nutrition of the inhabitants of ancient Phanagoria (based on materials from the Eastern necropolis burials)

These theses present the results of the analysis dental pathologies (calculus, caries, enamel hypoplasia) of individuals from the Eastern necropolis burials of Fanagoria - the second capital of the Bosporian kingdom. The materials are taken from Hellenistic, Roman and Late Antiquity burials (3rd century BC - 5th century AD). The goal of the study was to assess the prevalence of dental disease; compare dental pathology data with dietary data obtained from stable isotopic analysis of human bones. The sample is represented by 198 adult and 80 non-adult individuals.
Indicators calculus and enamel hypoplasia do not exceed 25% for three chronological periods. The greatest prevalence of caries was recorded in a sample of the Hellenistic period and amounts to 41.7% (X2 = 9.67, p = 0,008). In the series of later periods, carious were recorded less frequently (15.4-21%). This reflects differences in nutrition that correspond to stable isotope data. Probably, changes of diet are associated with changes in the husbandry that occurred in the second half of the 1st century A.D.
There are no sex differences. Caries and calculus non-adult individuals recorded in several cases. Enamel hypoplasia is 29.3% in infants.
There is significant similarity in the spread of pathological changes in the context of a common ancient socio-cultural community.

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