
Кабакова Н.В.  

The potential of archival documents in the coverage of historical ecology of the Irtysh region of the XVIII – early XIX centuries

The article is devoted to the study of the possibilities of archival documents for extracting the materials available in them from the field of environmental history. We study one of the Siberian regions-the Irtysh region of the late XVIII – early XIX century. From the abundance of existing sources, the Watch book of Tarsky uyezd, covering the history of the region at the turn of the XVII–XVIII centuries, information from audit tales related to the XVIII and early XIX century, and data from the reports of officials (primarily, Siberian governors), reviewing the situation in the early XIX century, is considered. These documents include extensive materials about natural conditions and geographical objects, resources of the region, and localities with Russian residents. They describe the existing opportunities and prospects for interaction between humans and the environment in the Irtysh region. These archival materials depict the state and development of families and family relations, reveal the most important demographic issues for the history of fertility and mortality, allowing, among other things, to determine the cause and effect of these events in the life of people. The article makes a conclusion about the rich potential of the Tarsky uyezd's Watch book of 1701, audit tales, and Governor's reports in covering the environmental history of the Irtysh region during the XVIII – early XIX centuries.

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