
Плеханов А.В.  

Analysis of lipid biomarkers for settlement Yarte 6 peninsula Yamal

This paper presents biomarkers of feces lipids, which were obtained from the settlement of Yarte 6, dated to the 11th-12th centuries (Yamal Peninsula), and were used to determine whether elevated phosphate levels could be associated with the ingress of animal feces into the soil, and if so, what kind of animals they were. 5β-stanols can show the main diet of the animal and suggest the season of its habitation in the settlement. For analysis, 36 soil samples were taken with one sample taken on a site free from human and animal impact.
In general, the distribution pattern of phosphates looks relatively uniform over the entire study area, with increased concentrations near the residential site and two anomalies at a distance of 40-50 m from it. The phosphate signatures of the lower layers are consistent with small groups (5-6 head) of reindeer, the signatures in the upper layers are not different from those formed by small herds (40-60 head) of reindeer. Given the openness of the cape, it is possible that up to 200 reindeer could be kept there.
As a result, scattered clues, taken along with data on phosphates and lipids, tell us about the intense form of taming of well-trained reindeer living next to humans.

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