
Urmashev, Baydaulet

Head of Departament, Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
Kazakhstan, 050038, Almaty, pr. Al-Farabi, 71
Phone: +7 (727) 377-33-43, Fax: +7 (727) 377-33-44

Reports list

  1. Urmashev B.*, Makashev Y.*, Omarova P.T.*, Dosbol U.A.*, Alimbayeva B.K.*
    Development of the computer program of foresting desertification of the territory of the North Kazakhstan region
    *Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Almaty), Kazakhstan
  2. Daribaev B.*, Urmashev B.*
    High-performance mobile computing of heat convection problems
    *Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Almaty), Kazakhstan

To participants list