
Kostsov E.G.   Ostapkevich M.B.  

Visualization in the WinALT simulation environment

Докладчик: Ostapkevich M.B.

The physical principles of construction of 3D IC-s with optical intercommunications as well as the cellular technology of organization of logical operations in optical communications were presented earlier in [1-2]. The technology named Parallel Substitution Algorithm is based on execution of elementary logical functions representing distributed computations [3]. The foundations of 3D scheme design using WinALT simulation environment are outlined in [1-2]. The architecture of data visualization system, which is a part of WinALT simulation environment [4], is presented in the report. The data of 3D scheme models have huge dimensions, versatility and structural complexity. This implies that the visualization system has to be functionally extensible. A user needs to have means to add new visualization modes or adjust particular aspects of existing visualization modes.

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