
Vitvitsky A.A.  

Construction of inhomogeneous 3D mesh for simulation of bacterial cell growth and division by Cellular Automata

A method for constructing a 3D mesh for computer simulation of the dynamics of a bacterial cells surface with different form is presented. The idea of the proposed method is based on the division of the cell surface into layers having the form of rings of nodes.  This enables to change separate parts of the mesh structure without rebuilding the entire surface. Moreover, a fast algorithm of nodes neighborhood determining on the spheroidal parts of the cell surface has been developed. The proposed algorithms have been implemented as a software package. A series of computational experiments showed the effectiveness of the proposed method for simulation the interactions between complex processes inside bacterial cells, leading to dynamical change of their surface.
The project has been partially supported by RFBR under Grant 14-01-31425 mol_a.

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2. Loose M. Spatial Regulators for Bacterial Cell Division Self-Organize into Surface Waves in Vitro // Science. 2008. Т.320 C.789–792

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