
Sarychev V.G.  

The framework for development of high-level domain-specific programming systems


V. G. Sarychev
NSTU, Novosibirsk
Novosibirsk state technical university, Novosibirsk

The project is devoted to the development of a framework for creation of high-level domain-specific programming systems.  Although the approach does not limit application area, the project is targeted automation of programming for high performance computing systems. The theoretical basis for the project is a structural synthesis of programs. Domain specific knowledge is represented in the form of computational models that are bipartite graphs where the objects of a domain are connected via operations reflecting the fact that some objects can be computed from the others with these operations. The structural synthesis is an approach to deduce algorithms and programs from computational models and formal problem specifications. The formal specifications can define functional and non-functional requirements for the target programs. The framework allows users to define their own computational models online with in-browser visual constructor, specify requirements for algorithm and program generation (synthesis), run the programs on remote high performance computing systems. High-level programming systems for analysis of seismic monitoring data and for cellular automata modeling are being developed on the basis of this framework.

1. Valkovskii V., Malyshkin V. Parallel Program Synthesis on the Basis of Computational Models.  Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1988. P. 129. (In Russian. Sintez Parallel'nykh Program i System na Vychislitel'nykh Modelyakh).
2. В. Г. Сарычев, А. Б. Купчишин. Разработка программного комплекса для конструирования программ обработки данных на высокопроизводительных вычислительных системах // Седьмая Сибирская конференция по параллельным и высокопроизводительным вычислениям / Под ред. проф. А.В. Старченко. – Томск: Изд-во Том. ун-та, 2014. – 146 c,  – С. 55-64.

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