
Орлов М.Ю.   Богомолов Г.Н.   Орлова Ю.Н.  

Studies of the behavior of ice under shock and explosive loading

Докладчик: Орлов М.Ю.

Nowadays, researches of the behavior of certain natural materials are relevant. This is due to the development of the northern territories, the extraction of natural resources in the Far North, etc. Now, ice is a little known natural material. The modern concept of failure the ice is just beginning to develop. For the development of a numerical method requires reliable experimental data on the processes of destruction the ice with explosive conditions. The present research a comprehensive theoretical and experimental study of the behavior of the ice during a shock and explosive loading were investigated. Research work consists of two parts. Firstly full-scale experiments on the explosive loading of river ice average thickness of emulsion explosive have been conducted. Next, with the help of numerical simulation of the developed numerical methods were modeled some experiments and solved practically important problem of ice failure. Organized in Tomsk State University mobile laboratory “Explosive destruction of the natural and geological materials” is capable of conducting express-analysis process of explosive loading. The main purpose is a rapid analysis of the behavior of ice under explosive loading. The mobile laboratory was organized three years ago, and developing as an alternative to "SCICEX" American resumed program. Numerical investigations conducted by numerical lagrangian method for calculating the dynamic multi-contact problems Mechanics solid body.It developed a database of the same name

Numerical studies carried out by a multifunctional package software multiway dynamic problems of solid mechanics (SM). Model ice is described from the point of macroscopic phenomenological theory of continuum mechanics based on fundamental conservation laws. The simulated environment is isotropic, elastic-plastic, porous, taking into account the properties of strength and shock-wave phenomena, as well as joint formation vouchers and shear damage. The solution of these tasks carried out by means of numerical Lagrangian method, design of which is supplemented by the mechanism of destruction of calculated elements and splitting settlement nodes in two-dimensional statment. The originality of the method lies in a new algorithm of allocating surfaces, which imposes severe restrictions on the solution of these problems SM. The calculation results are compared with experimental data and analytical solutions. The result of the investigations obtained in the form of pictures, graphs, tables and calculated configuration "impactor - ice". The authors thank A.N. Sadokhin ( "KuzbassSpetsVzryv" company) and RFBR (project 16-38-00515).


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