
Fedotova O.A.  

Functional requirements for a model of а Scientific Heritage Digital Library

The report considers functional requirements for a model of Scientific Heritage Digital Library (SHDL) and architecture of its organization. Requirements for a model of SHDL is defined, firstly, by the information needs of researchers, and secondly, by maintaining long-term reliability of data storage.
For this type of information resources, it is important to store the description of the life cycle of these resources and be able to restore the resource at any time.
The identification of information resources is very important for the documents on scientific heritage. It determines for each fact who is its author, when and where it was obtained, with which other facts it is associated. This requires the support of different abstraction levels in the description of information, from summaries to very detailed descriptions of information objects. To support the advanced search and classification information, it is not sufficient to store only the full-text descriptions. It is necessary to support the search by attributes, full-text search, browse by categories and dictionary-classifiers and it is desirable to support semantic search.
The following functional requirements for the model of the SHDL can be suggested: reliable long-term storage of information, relevance, completeness, reliability of document origin, historicity of information, geo-referencing of information, availability of a large number of dictionary-classifiers (thesaurus) to support the identification and classification of resources; support for heterogeneous and loosely structured information resources, support linkages of information resources, submitting information to the user in the selected form, presence of intelligent services that process the user’s requests, presence of APIs to support the analytical work of the user with the help of software applications; support of the interoperability both at program and semantic level; support of a work with external sources.
Based on the stated requirements for the DL, the layered architecture of its organization is proposed [1].

1. O.L. Zhyzhymov, A.M. Fedotov, O.A. Fedotova. Building a generic model of information system for working with documents on the scientific heritage // Vestnik. Novosibirsk State University. Series: Information Technologies. - 2012. - Vol.10. - № 3. - P.5-14.

Abstracts file: Федотова О.А. - 2013.doc
Full text file: fedotova.pdf

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