
Kostsov E.G.   Ostapkevich M.B.  

Visualization in the WinALT simulation environment

Reporter: Ostapkevich M.B.

E.G.Kostsov1, M.B. Ostapkevich2
1-The Institute of Automation and Electrometry SB RAS,
630090, Novosibirsk, Russia
2-The Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB RAS,
630090, Novosibirsk, Russia
The physical principles of construction of 3D IC-s with optical intercommunications as well as the cellular technology of organization of logical operations in optical communications were presented earlier in [1-2]. The technology named Parallel Substitution Algorithm is based on execution of elementary logical functions representing distributed computations [3]. The foundations of 3D scheme design using WinALT simulation environment are outlined in [1-2].
The architecture of data visualization system, which is a part of WinALT simulation envi-ronment [4], is presented in the report. The data of 3D scheme models have huge dimensions, versatility and structural complexity. This implies that the visualization system has to be func-tionally extensible. A user needs to have means to add new visualization modes or adjust par-ticular aspects of existing visualization modes.
The two main mechanisms are used to obtain such extensibility. The first one provides means to embed user modules that implement versatile aspects of visualization. The examples of such aspects are the generation of color or form for an atomic object, generation of item grid for a compound object, generation of cuts for 2D or stereo representation of object that are 3D or of higher dimensions. The second mechanism provides compositions of user modules. It can be done either analytically, using relevant statements of simulation language, or visually, using the graphical interface of the simulation environment. These mechanisms are illustrated by constructing visualization modes for 3D IC models.
The visualization system has the following main advantages. First of all, it allows con-structing visualization modes in a declarative manner, without writing code. Second of all, the existing source code written in C/C++ and existing binary libraries can be used in construction of visualization mode implementations. Both of the advantages reduce the complexity and time of a visual mode implementation.
1. E.G. Kostsov, S.V. Piskunov, M.B. Ostapkevich. 3D ICs with Optical Interconnections // Optical Communication, ed. by Narottam Das, InTech, Croatia, 2012, Chapter 4, P. 55-82.
2. E.G. Kostsov, S.V. Piskunov, Computer design of two layer computational matrix with optical interconnections. Avtometria, 2000, v. 3, P. 3-16 (in Russian).
3. S. Achasova , O. Bandman, V. Markova and S. Piskunov. Parallel Substitution Algorithm. Theory and Application. - Singapore:World Scientific, 1994.
4. Ostapkevich M., Piskunov S., The Construction of Simulation Models of Algorithms and Structures with Fine-Grain Parallelism in WinALT //  Lect. Notes in Comput. Sci. – Springer-Verlag. - Berlin Heidelberg. - 2011. - Vol. 6873. - P 192-203.

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